Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy June

So, I can't believe May is gone already. I had so much going on, it was outta control as my friend Sandy would say. I had baby showers, graduations, going away nights, birthdays, mothers day, anniversarys. Plus I took up becoming a slave to the gym. Uh. I can truly say I'm exhausted. I was so grateful just to sleep in this morning and drink coffee in my bed and curl up with the laptop and read my blogs. I don't think I have to much in June. I'm going to full-time hours at work which will help me build up my savings funds some more. I've been doing good with my goals, I've lost some weight and built up some funds. But nows time to take it up into high gear. :) Well, I hope everybody is getting ready for summer. Although I hate the extreme heat, theres just something about summertime. :)
