Monday, December 22, 2008

New Year New Me

I honnestly have tons more to blog about with cool photos and everything. But, needless to say, my photos are not uploaded off my cool new Samsung camera ( thanx babe!) So instead, I will blog about my cool new year resolutions! I will throw all those photos in a blog though I promise! It just may be after Nick and I return from Michigan, :)

1. Get healthy- I'm not even saying I want to lose weight or be able to run a marathon. Although, now that I think about it, that would be cool. I just want to be healthy and not have tons of health issues, like I have been having. Blah. This might include a weekend to myself where I just sit at home and stare at the wall.

2. Work on my money- I want to be wonderful with money and have tons of it. This might mean doing more for the etsy store, getting a new job, babysitting, but I need some more funds!

3. Do well in school- I really want to be at UNLV by 2010. I mean it. I'm done with this community college business. Blah.

4. Organize- I want to organize my apartment better and decorate. I always say this too. Blah.

5. Learn how to walk in high heels- I kinda stomp around when I wear these and I would love to walk like hedi Klum instead. :)


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello Cleavland!

Or Michigan or Colorado or wherever my blogging audience lives. ( Arizona, I didn't forget about you too!) I have been a very bad blogger and I can tell my blog feels neglected. It's just been nonstop with finals and work and social gatherings and getting sick and well, you get the drift. School is almost done though, I have my last two finals tomorrow and I'm ready to rock out! And maybe blog out too. You never quite know around these parts.......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Pain

Yeah Im in a lot of pain and thats why I've been an inactive blogger. My tooth broke Sunday night and I ended up having the whole thing extracted. And it ended up being surgery. I'm making an appointment with Nick's dentist to start the work on my pearly chompers. But until my mouth heels, I shall be quiet round these parts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mom Shop A Thon!

I joined the Mom Shop A Thon this year on Tip Junkie which is ran by the fablous Miss Laurie. She really is a sweetheart and such a creative person and I'm honored to be able to post a link to my store on her fabulous site. For reference click here :

And you can always go to my etsy store thru its link on my sidebar or by clicking here:

Can't Wait To Christmas Shop

Meet Your New President

Thats right home skillets. It's Barack. And I didn't care that I was one in a sea of republicans in a bar. I screamed my little heart out when it flashed across the screen. What were they gonna do kick me out? Chuckie was drinkin beer!

Change. Its whats for dinner.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let's Do The Time Warp Again!

Happy Belated Halloween! We kicked off Halloween early this year by going to a show at The Venetian. The Blue Man Group was something I've been dying to see and was so excited when we scored tickets! *squeals with glee* We had awesome seats and were covered with toliet paper. Success! And of course, we took pics. Nick even got in on the action.

Last night we attended a local drag show and had a blast. See Tim Curry Below? I now have the time warp permantly stuck in my head.

We made a new friend! Maria Tortilla!

And last but not least, we met my dream man Mr. Post-It! I had to take a photo with him. And he actually won best costume! All in all, Halloween 08' was a blast! Hope everybody else had a good one.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Barack Obama

I remember two Christmas's ago when I was talking crap about Hilary Clinton. For some reason, I can't stand that woman. (entirely different blog entry) But, I did fall in love with Barack Obama and changed my political party about six months ago. I feel like all the people who fell in love with Robert F. Kennedy in the 60's. I feel like we are ready for a change and he is the one to bring it. Tonight when I watched his special, I started bawling and had to call my friend Jamie, the only one who crys at simple things with me. We're peas in a pod ;) . But it really moved me and I'm glad I never doubted my descion to vote for him two weekends ago. I'm tired of education and health care and outshoring jobs and it needs to be fixed. And no, John McCain won't be the one to do it. But my blog isin't to bash people, okay Sarah Palin, I can see Russia too, it's called a map, but in serialness, all of you need to get off your asses and go vote. Just vote for whoever benefits your needs. Just don't bitch to me if you don't vote. I'll punch you in your face.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dancing With The Stars- Hip Hop Edition!

So, I haven't been able to sit down and watch t.v much except for about three shows since school started and I honestly miss Dancing With The Stars. So I was able to catch it tonight and I kinda had a what the fuck face on for most of it. They did a group dance and it was hip hop and maybe I'm byist by working in the ghetto everyday, but THIS IS NOT HIP HOP! Even Lance Bass from N'SYNC couldn't save it. Which made me sad, because being the ever optimistic faghag, I think Lance Bass is HOTT. ;) But don't take my word for it.

*The video is kinda funky, but it was the only one that really wouldn't freeze.*


Monday, October 27, 2008

Monster Mash

This past Saturday Nick and I attended Chuckie's mom's annual Halloween Bash. ( Did that make sense?) I originally was going to go as a slutty Alice but at the last minute I matched my costume with Nick. He went as a vampire and I went as a slutty Can Can Girl/ Nick's Victim. You can't see but I have blood smeared on my Nick. We've been watching too much True Blood lately.

We also went with Nick's friends to go see Saw 5. It wasn't the best one in the series and it kinda disappointed me. But.......

If I woke up in the box below, I'd be kinda crappy feeling too. I must say, I wonder how the last and final installment is going to turn out. I want to play a game.........


Friday, October 24, 2008

Random Child Memory #247

Convincing my parents to buy me the soundtrack from Wayne's World and my dad reancting this class scene from the movie in his car. Priceless.

Happy Friday

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm Not Saying This To Anyone In Particular...

but it's really starting to piss me off that people think that I have no life because

A.) I have no children and
B.) Because I'm not married.

I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth people who are these things because I get excited when these things happen to my friends and family. I'm very supporitive and willing to celebrate. But I do get naucous when I think about these things happening to me. I'm simply not ready for these things because they take a big commitment and I have other things on mind, mainly school and figuring out how to fund a Chanel bag. But people just assume because I don't have these things everything else I do just isin't important. And I'm not saying watching a South Park marathon with Nick or running away to Gay Days at Disneyland is as equally important as watching your kid walk for the first time but damn people, throw me a bone here. I have nothing to compare your life too! And it's not just one person that does this to me, it's alot of people. It is some friends and work and family. I do have a life. And I have started my own family. It may not be a husband and children, but it's a fiance who would do anything for me and people who hold my hand when I hypervenalite on a roller coaster and my vanilla mommy and two darling little creatures who live in my dining room table and depend on me for everything. And that too me is equally important. :)


p.s again, im not saying this into anyone particular so don't get your panties in a bunch. i'm just saying.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Clutter Be Gone

*How Nick sees me every morning, instead of on the bed it's the couch or closet floor....*

I can't remember when I started realizing I was a hardcore pack rat. I think when it came to going over to friends houses, I realized a) I really was living it up as a only child and b) I had tons of junk. Flash forward to the year 2008 and a) I don't really live it up as a only child anymore but its cool and b) I still have tons of junk. I'm surronded by clothes and knick kancks and useless upon useless shit. I don't even know why I own half the shit I own besides I feel guilt getting rid of things and I feel sentimental towards it. But why? It's just a freakin object. So I am making it my new mission besides getting healthy ( which I actually worked out and bought Trader Joes out of business last night) but I want to lead a cleaner more relaxed life. I am going to start cutting things out that just take up energy and give me no pleasure. First thing to go, the Avon link on the side bar. I love beauty products but just can't get into it. I hope by doing this I can put more time into my etsy store and if I get really strapped for cash, I can always pick up a side job like babysitting or making some cards for people who requested it. And I honnestly am going to start selling things I can sell on Ebay and Craigslist because even though the economy is in the crappy, people are stilling buying junk. Life is too short to waste time and energy on things that don't reward you. And I'm beginning to figure that out.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

I don't like Uggs

But these keep callin my name over and over again in this nice grey. I'm sure for $144.00 I am going to keep drooling over them for awhile but I might sign up for some extra babysitting jobs when I feel better to pay for them. :)

My new Love

Nick needs to move over. These shoes I picked up today for $24.99 might be sleeping next to me tonight. They are Mia 2 in the style called Ridge.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Hospital Room is Just like Every Other

I have been off and on tired pretty much since I started back with school. With school, work, having a fiance, friends and family, you might want to say my time is stretched to the t's. And I know you probably find this funny, but I hardly blog as much as I want to and I have even put a hiatus on scrapbooking which made me sad. So, I have had the worst cold and just couldn't kick it this past week and then guess where I end up? The hospital. Figures. I'm okay now but I honnestly thought I was going to pass out at the hospital. It was just an infection in my lungs which they sent me home with medicine to fix it right up. And I missed two midterms and a huge project in my political science class. I was able to wing some stuff but I am very upset about the whole mess.

I think I'm just venting on this blog but I'm glad I honnestly was sick and not just being lazy as I was. I was put on bed rest but I feel so much better. I am still pledging to take it easy, but I am also going to incorporate some fresh healthy foods, more rest, and better time management skills. So here's to taking it easy, at least until I go home next month for a mini vacation. :)


Monday, October 13, 2008

See A Penny, Pick It Up!

I don't really do this for the luck though. I do it because, pennies add up. So does dimes and nickels and quarters and spare dollars. Nick and I combine all our change which is pretty difficult since we both do not shop with cash ( we're big card people) but in a little over a year, we have saved about $175.00 together. Probably more if we cleaned out our cars. But since this change turned into big bucks has motivated me, I am now more determined to save save save! I love you pennys!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Motivate Me!

I am dying here. I am in Week Seven of school, two months after my 23rd birthday and into my second week of October. I am not caught up with school work, accomplished really any of my goals for my 23rd year or, decorated my house. This frustrates me. Why you ask? Because I constantly feel tired and want to take naps. And I doubt it's because I have something wrong with me. It's probably just me being lazy, to be perfectly honest. I don't feel like I have to be everything under the sun. I don't feel the utter most need to compare myself to people to be better than them. I just think I lose track of time and it frustrates me. Like, I really shouldn't be sitting her blogging. :O I should be slaving over alegbra problems. Should be are the keywords.I really want to not become a better person, but a better Athena. ( creepy, I just talked in thrid person) I want to achieve my goals and say, whoa, look what I accomlished! Don't I feel ten times better? It's just a question of motivation I assume. So my question to all of you is, what do you do to stay motivated?


Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Other Boelyn Girl

Dear Other Boelyn Girl,
When I saw you on the shelf the other day, I decidedly put you in my pile. I meant to read you after the movie but you looked so intimading with all your pages, I shrunk back on fear. But since I had nothing better to do homework wise you appeared to be a good time killer and oh how you were.
I couldn't put you down. Not once. I haven't felt this way since Tori Spelling's autobiography. My mind raced back to royal courts, forbidden passion and cunning ambition. I do have to say I think Anne Boelyn is a bitch though. She did some pretty screwed up stuff to Mary. But I kept wondering what was she, or any of the other Boelyns, were going to do next. Like get themselves banished to France. Or poison the Queen off. Suspense suspense suspense! All for Anne and George getting their ass on that chopping block.
I give you five outta five stars Other Boelyn girl. You kept me reading when others lately chose to fail. You kept my mouth dropping for more, all 738 pages of you. And that is why you shall wear those stars proudly!

Disneyland Pt One

I am exhausted. I spent 12 + hrs at the Disneyland but had the time of my life doing it. We took a late night car ride Friday to party it up all day on Saturday. We invented the hot mess game and over dosed on churros. We screamed our way through the rollercoaster twice and got dizzy during the teacups. We invented new sayings and counted red shirts. The night ended up being perfect by caping it off with "Last Dance" All in all it was pretty bad ass.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

If Anybody Needs Me......

I'll be here!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Goals I mean Ideas

I nolonger have monthly goals. I never complete them which I'm not sure motivates me more or just depresses me. So now I have some "ideas" to help me along the way.

1. Eat healthy so I can fit into my Halloween Costume.

2. Use less electricity during my everyday life. And gas.

3. Eat less meat.

4. Start saving money for Chirstmas.

5. Keep my house clean for once.

6. Keep up with school work, reading and scrapbooking.

7. And last but not least, start a thankful journal.

I tend to see negativity and would like to change that. So I'm starting a thankful journal before I pass out. And on to see how this month portrays me!


Falling Into Fall

Typically, this is what fall looks like, which is beautiful in my opinion.

However, I live in Las Vegas which blesses my reality of fall like this:
How sad am I? But, I do like to pretend it's fall. I have become quite creative due to my many years in the desert. So instead of my favorite things about fall list, its going to be more like pretending its fall list. And I plan on pretending by:

1. Ordering Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks instead of White Chocolate Mocha. Mmm, Starbucks.

2. Hanging up all my cute Halloween decor. ( I plan on doing this next weekend when I have some time. )

3. Hot Chocolate.

4. Pumpkin Pie.

5. Yankee Candles which seduce me with scents of Vanilla Cookie, Pumpkin Pie & Apple Cinnamon.

6. Cute skinny jeans from Old Navy.

7. Cuter scarfs and hats.

8. Scary movies.

9. Daydreaming about leaf piles.

10 . Hoping that the weather will dip below the 90's soon.

I envy all of you that actually have seasons. I am seasonless in this desert. I only have hot, extremely hot and kinda cool. I would love to have a coat collection but honnestly the only thing u need hear is a slightly heavy peacoat and your good to go. So hears to me pretending!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Last Saturday I experienced my very first intense rival game, the famous match up between UNLV and UNR. I had never heard so many **** *** in my life. Or seen so many people in red or blue. I guess it all depends on how you look at it. I had tons of fun, how could I not with the threes company crew plus Renaldo? Famous quote of the night: " If you get the Chuckie, you get the Athena and Sandy. You get all three of us!" If thats not true I honnestly don't know what is. :)

p.s did anybody notice how we had a photoshoot with our posse but none of the game?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This place looks like a hot tranny mess up in here!

Everytime I watch this it cracks me up. I seriously say tranny and hot mess all the time. Examples:

" Quit bein such a tranny!"
"Did you see that lady? She looked like a hot mess."


I'll defend you to a T!

I absoultly love purses. My earliest memory about my deep infatuation: I'm about several years old and I'm teling my mom I need a big girl purse during our annual back to school shopping adventure. She humors me and not only do I get a hot pink leather purse, I also get a hot pink blossom style hat and hot pink chuck taylors to match! God I'm stylin!I remember stuffing it with change for the snack bar, some lip gloss and tissue my grandma told me to take. I don't want to say it marked my adventure into womanhood, but it was one of those finer moments in life, along with my first manicure and the time my mom let me get the Rachel do. :)
Flash forward sixteen years later and now I can actually afford some purses. Although it may not be the Dolce & Gabanna bag I drool over, I have some Kathy bags to my name along with my candy purse from Dooney & Burke Nick's mom has blessed me with. :) I am also currently in love with a Coach purse that has my name all over it in plum. I work hard and I figure if I am already paying off my debts and saving money, why can't I splurge here and there? So I treat myself like any other red-blooded woman with a Visa would do. So you could understand my temper in defending my purse today at school.
We were talking about jeans and how some people are willing to spend up to 400 dollars a pair. Some people think it's ridiculous, others see why. And then girls start talking smack about the girls who will buy those jeans and how their superficial because they buy expensive clothes at to get looked upon but probably are un-intelligent and have nothing worth while to say. Ummm, excuse me, but seriously, what truck did these bitches come off of? Seriously. I raise my hand and said the thing that got me the gold star of the day( literally my English teacher gives us gold stars if we say something half way intelligent. I love him.) :
" Okay, I might not spend 400 dollars on a pair of jeans but I do like my purses. I have spent a bill or two. And I'm not un-intelligent. I can hold a conversation with you. Am I just a superficial skank?"
The girls went on to say that they just don't believe in it because they would rather save their money. Okay. I'm sure you would rather save your money. I have money saved too. I'm actually now smart about my finances. I just think some of my fellow females are just catty towards each other. I can't even tell you how many girls eye me up and down and then focus in on my neck or wrist on that flashy little heart, asking to be returned to a little place in New York called Tiffany & Co.
I'm sure todays conversation was meant to be taking with a grain of salt. And I'm glad everybody has an opinion. But serousily. Don't be hatin on the Kathy! Cause if your hatin on the Kathy, what happens when I walk in with the Dolce & Gabanna??? :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

My clothes actually stay on quite nicely when I have tequila. I just get really sick and worship the porcelian god instead. But on Saturday night I met up with the other members of Three's Company and had a karoke night. Chuckie sang a sweet song while Sandy and I drank pineapple rum. Ahh, just a nice little get together if I do say so myself. :)

I swear I wasn't trying to bitch slap her. I was actually wiping her cheek. :)
Like the new do??
Editors Note: See the sparkly green top I'm wearing? I haven't been able to fit itno that in FOREVER. Thank you Wii Fit!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Accessories, Here I Come!

I had a ephiany yesterday in school. I was sitting there, drooling over some girls outfit when I realized, I am not living up to my full fashion potential! I mean, I always talk smack about other people, but I bet people talk smack about me too! (Stupid unfashionable girl in the Boys And Girls Club shirts everyday) But, to my defense, its just alot easier when your running from class to work, four days a week. But alas, I'm making some fashion changes!

Now, although I vowed to myself not to buy any clothes until the day after Thanksgiving ( Nick and I have a huge shopping spree planned out. And I have been working out on my Wii Fit and dropping some pounds rather nicely.), I didn't say anything about accessories! First purchase:

This beautiful bohemian scarf from Avon. I know I sell Avon and it might sound byist, but I seriously just saw the same exact scarf in a issuse of Marie Claire, but from Urban Outfitters and it cost $42.99! The wonderful price for mine? $16.00 smackers! Woop Woop! ( and I used my Avon discount) Next piece of resistance:

This beautiful hat, again from Avon. I found one in the mall for $20.00 and I paid a sweet $7.00 ( plus discount). Ooo la la! I got the one in cream, but I'm sure it will look just as cute as the chocolate in the picture.

Thats all I bought for now. I don't think my next purchase will be coming from Avon but rather Savers or a yard sale. I'm looking for a Pucci type print scarf to dress up my Kathy Van Zealand bag and some navy and green gypsy bead necklaces. I shall keep you all tuned in to my fashion escapdes!


Go Irish!

It's kinda hard when a Michigan fan and a Notre Dame fan share a bed. Luckily, it's only mentioned when the big game comes. And last weekend, I finally won the bragging rights in my house when Notre Dame won! I kinda think its a fluke, but I'll take what I can get. Touchdown Jesus!


Elise, Nick and Julaine, please don't hate me! :O

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I wish I could make out with......

Thats right. Google. I can't even begin to explain to people how much I'm obsessed with it. The only other person who can possibly understand how much I love this site it possibly Val or Sandy. Because it's like a crystal ball without the fourtune teller creepy lady who asks you for five dollars. It can tell you ANYTHING.

Does somebody really own their house? Oh Sandy can find out and get back to you with an hour. Do you need some advice for a legal venture? Let Val know and she'll forward it to you.

And anytime I question what somebody tells me ( mainly people I'm arguing with) I say, let me get back to you. The I bust out the cellphone and google it at my sparkly fingertips. Anytime I don't know something, my catchphrase is " Let me Google it!" I think I noticed my obsession though when I wondered how much money James Earl Jones was paid to do the voice of Darth Vader. And my wonderful Star Wars obsessed shiny Nickel says " Why don't you Google it babe?"

Gotta love it when great minds think alike!


p.s and if anybody else was wondering how much he got paid to do star wars, it's a couple million dollars, nothing like the other stars because he refused to be in the credits due to the controversary when Linda Blair was nominated for an oscar. If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, you can google it. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Scrapbook Convention- Las Vegas Style!

My friend Miss Terilyn found out that Las Vegas was having it's very own scrapbook convention! So we went to a early breakfast and drove all the way to Cashman Center to check it out. I don't want to say I had high hopes, but I honestly did ( so did she). It wasn't too shabby but ummmm, we had a much funner ( is that a word?) time at the Scarp N Time store afterwards. But I want to say the whole thing was a learning experience, because I did some tutorials and learned the proper way to us stamps and watercolor pencils. I am tres excited to start stamping away! The whole thing also inspired me to try out some new creative ventures which I shall post later this week. But as for now, I must get back to learning about kinetic and potential energy *yawn* Somebodys gotta do it. :)


Sunday, September 7, 2008

operation declutter-day one

* not my kitchen counter but pretty darn close*

So yesterday while Nick took a nap, I decluttered the kitchen. I made a couple boxes on the couch with labels ( donate, giveaway,try to sell) found a garbage bag and went to town.
I'm embarrassed to even type this, but I ended up chucking out 4 trash bags of old, forgotten about food. ( I told it was embarrassing.) I was embarrassed running figure amonts of how much grocery money I was throwing away. I also was embarrassed thinking how many people are going to bed hungry while I chuck out enough food to feed about 30 of them. I know it's a little too early for New Years resoultions but I made one to myself to not be so wasteful of food and money. And after realizing this goal, I made a plan to help conquor it. My plan was to make a meal plan for the entire week. I think this is alot easier than dwelling about what to pack for school since I can just toss it in my lunch box and go. I also made a shopping list and stuck to only buying the items on it. I'm going to work on it all week and see how it goes. It requires self discipline but I'm getting some of that. ( hello algebra homework)

On the brightside, I ended up filling the donate box to the brim and wound up with a couple items I'm going to try to sell. ( does anybody like holly hobby plates???)


Saturday, September 6, 2008


While browsing on Peta2's website, I found this awesome IPig. Is he not the cutest thing ever? I'm positive my ITouch will fit nice and snuggly. He is going on my Chirstmas list for sure! To see more of him click here

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Sandy scored awesome tickets to the 51's game a couple of weeks back. Nick and I went with her and the kids and we had an awesome time! Thanks Sandy!

My Birthday Party!

My friends totally rock. On August 15th, I turned 23 and they threw me a birthday party! My directions were to bring Nick and show up at the bowling lanes. And they took care of the rest. I love them and I want to say thank you for everything you do for me. I couldn't ask for more!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Here! Confessions Of A Shopaholic Is Here!

Who's watching it with me?????

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet!

My oh my. What would I do for any of these celeb closets? ( My personal favorite is Kimora's by the way.) But, since my car repairs cleaned me out of house and home, I decided to start going through our apartment and start selling all I can on Ebay! Or because I do have a couple text books just collecting dust. Come to think of it, I have lots of junk collecting dust. I'm also going to be selling more AVON and things on Etsy. If you like either one, don't be shy, click my links on the side! I will keep everybody updated though with all my Ebay junk. I guess that's what I'll be doing this labor day weekend since I'll be too broke to do anything else. ;)


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The wheels on the car go round and round.....

So today was my first major car problem with my Corolla, purchased from my good friend Jamie when she moved across the country. She had the car for a couple years and while it was used, it gave her no problems and ran good. This is why I insisted on buying it from her because you just don't know where cars come from and for that very fact I was not interested in buying from Craigslist. The car has been running smoothly since I've had for a year already with only having to replace a battery cable here and there. And then all of a sudden it happened......

My car broke! Well, broke is a strong word. It just wouldn't start this morning at the gas station which angered me because I was on my way to school. But after I spent about half an hour of praying and fidgeting with things, it finally started and I found a local mechanic who had just opened so I was able to squeeze right in. Bottom line= I needed a new starter and some new belts. Final cost= $600.00 Ouch. I seriously ate it. I was just glad I had that money saved up and hadn't been wasting it on stupid stuff. I'm really upset that because I also had to use part of my paycheck on Friday and after bills, won't even have most of it. *tear* My emergency account also had to be used up in account of more textbooks I had to buy for school. So now, I am BROKE.
Alot of people might say this was bound to happen with an older car. I don't agree. This happens with cars PEORID. I was replacing stuff left and right with my ZX2 and that car was only 3 1/2 years old. I had to buy a new timing belt, transmission, belts, exhaust, clutch ( numerous times). You have to replace things with any car. It's called wear and tear on your vehicle. And some people have a new car that doesn't even have a warranty so it doesn't really matter in some cases whether the car is new or not. Still, even with having to spend 600 today to fix it, thats less than what some people pay on their car in two months in PAYMENTS. So I guess, I'm still good to go! I am going to invest in some things the guy recommended after I have my father or my Grandpa Roger check them out. I plan on this car lasting me another year, two if I can stretch it. Getting out of my debts is alot more important than buying a new car. And for me, I think thats a smart choice.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Let's Get Physical....Physical

I am totally chaneling Olivia right now (look at that headband!). I started working out again and eating right and I lost 5 lbs! Today I went to Freash And Easy, kinda like a Trader Joes but not has hardcore hippie as Chuckie would say. ( I do love me some Trader Joes though) I bought tons of healthy stuff for lunches and breakfasts and a couple dinners so I'm ready to go on the eating part for the week. And I have planned a couple more work out sessions with Chuckie and Sandy so I am ready to lose 5 more! My getting healthy goal is coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself.


School Bells Ring...Are You Listening?

Okay. I think I'm actually refering about sleigh bells but this is college so, I had to switch it up a bit. Now, for those of that actually know me, you know I took a long break from school. Whatever. You waste two years, you live, you learn, you get over it. I'm glad I got my butt in action now though or in all honnesty, it probably wouldn't have happened at the speed it did. I had to come up with funds to pay for it myself ( but my Grandma Linda did help me out with books and I'm extremely grateful) and I had to argue, plead and cry with people to let me in their class. Well no crying was involved but I did have to stalk my math professor down. I had to figure things out on my own because nobody really knew the answers to m questions. But, I'm extremely proud of myself that I've come so far in a month with this. I am a full time student ( I'm actually taking 5 instead of the recommended 4) and I know if I buckle down and concentrate I can get things done. But I'm not worried, just anxious to see how my work load will be. And after school 4 days a week, I have to rush to work. But on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have a couple free hours. I don't think I will feel the need to lock myself up to get things done, but I know there will be nights I would rather be drinking pineapple rum then studying for a math test. But hopefully, if I stay on top of everything, this will just be another step in making myself more fabulous!

Friday, August 22, 2008

One More Day

Seriously. I have about 5 hours and 40 minutes left of our Summer Camp Program. And in all honesty, it's alot shorter than that. I have to work a open house event for the nearby elementry school for two hours and then get to leave a half hour early to set up for that. And then I get an hour lunch break to run around and do some errands, like to run around to the bank and the college and buy a textbook. So in all actuality, I have an hour and 40 mins. But I am so done with kids. This 9 to 6 schedule of hearing them whine and fight and tattle is killing my mojo. I'll be so happy when we're closed all next week. But then I also have to worry about being a full time + colllege student starting next week. ( Five classes, if anyone is wondering)
I can do it, I totally rock. But still, my tummy has butterflies........


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Link Love

So alot of bloggers do this from time to time and I think I might show you guys some of the cool things I find.

Over at Hostess With The Mostess she talks about a party designed after Nicky Hiltons Dining Room. Where do I sign up for an invite???

At The Domestic Diva, she talks about sewing rooms and inspiration boards. I kinda have just a bullitin board with reminders posted all over it and movie ticket stubs but after seeing this work of art, I'm smitten. The photo is curtesy of Anthropoligie, but her blog has tons of helpful tips and ideas.

Love At First Sight

Seriously The Best Movie Ever

Caught it the other night on Comedy Central. Nick and I couldn't stop laughing. It seriously is the best movie ever. Everytime you watch it you find something new to make fun of. I love books, movies and films like that.
